Saturday, January 8, 2011

How to really make some money online with blogger and AdSense

I've been trying to make money online for some time now, How to really make some money online? at first I tried all those "make money online" sites the ones that tell you to make a landing page and they try to sell you more stuff. At the end they are the only ones that make any money.

Well I finally figured it out. It took me some time and lots of sleepless night but I finally figured out how to make money. It's not gonna make me rich overnight but it's a proof of concept approach.
Well it's all about getting a free blog started and then adding AdSense code to it, then you would get paid every time someone clicks on your ads. This is actually the easy part, the trick is how to get visitors to your site. Well, if that was just as easy... But in really is not as hard as it seems, all you do is post your blog on your Facebook, local classifieds and even places like Yahoo Answers.
I like to use Twitter as a way to attract traffic to my blog as well. Take note that the blog could be about any topic you like but preferably something popular like credit, health, cooking etc. This will attract traffic to your site and that way it will generate money to you.
You will also need to submit your site to URL directories, this is a great way to attract extra traffic to your site.

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